Sunday, January 3, 2010

AARP Defensive Driving Program

The number of car accidents which are now happening frequently amongst the senior population is quite staggering. A report published recently in USA Today discovered that accidents involving senior drivers are being claimed at a rate more than 70% higher than back in1999. Driving is now getting more and more difficult for those drivers who are over 55. Cars are more powerful, traffic is heavier and road rules are forever changing. The AARP has a driver safety program which is helping better educate senior drivers in defensive driving techniques and road safety.

For those who are wondering just who the AARP is, they are a powerful association which pushes the rights and security of those American citizens who are over the age of 55. The AARP acknowledges that preventing all senior citizens from driving is not practical, and is in fact discriminatory. Bearing this in mind, the AARP developed their defensive driving program with the aim of updating and renewing the driving capabilities of seniors still behind the wheel. Letting go of driving privileges can be embarrassing and depressing at any age. Many older drivers find it increases the stresses that accompany growing older and being able to do less as the years roll by. A prime example of this is where a senior driver can easily pass the compulsory eye examination, but critical reaction times and reflexes are now much slower.

The AARP Driver Safety Class - What Is It?

A better name for the AARP Driver Safety Class would be the AARP Defensive Driving class. Not only does it update skills on driver safety, but it teaches skills to help seniors avoid getting into accidents in the first place. Motor vehicle insurance companies now accept AARP defensive driving classes as a requisite for car insurance rebates. By undertaking an AARP defensive driving class, senior drivers can not only save money, but can also indicate to insurance companies that they are serious about driving safely and avoiding accidents.

AARP Defensive Driving Safety Classes - Where Are They?

AARP defensive driving course are situated in many localities - finding one nearby is not that hard. The AARP website is easily accessible online, and seniors can search to see what classes would suit them. For those who do not have the internet, the AARP can be contacted by telephone on free-call 1-888-AARP-NOW (1-888-227-7669). AARP volunteers will respond with information about suitable AARP defensive driving courses within 3 to 5 working days.

At a cost of round $10, and AARP defensive driving course is reasonably priced. A course usually goes for two days and has approximately four hours daily class contact time. Course objectives of and AARP defensive driving course are:

1. Updating driving skills and knowledge of road rules.

2. Awareness of normal physical changes related to ageing, and what driving adjustments to make.

3. Learning the warning signs which precede finishing with driving altogether.

4. Reducing or eliminating traffic violations, accidents, and potential injury.

5. Drive more safely on the road.

6. Obtain insurance discounts. Car insurance companies usually provide discounts to AARP graduates.

In current times when those from the "baby boomer" generation are becoming seniors, there are more seniors driving than ever before. As the first and largest driving course in the United States for over 55's, the AARP Driver Safety Program is helping millions in the senior driving category remain safe whilst driving on the roads. For the last 25 years, the AARP driver safety program has been offered in classroom format. Now seniors can access the same course online. For those"seniors" still driving wanting to do so for many years to come, enrolling in your nearest AARP defensive driving course is a no-brainer!

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